Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Not a cloud in the sky~

I realized that I only had one fire pokemon and it was a crappy ponyta. :x Anyways, I digress.

The weather has been calm lately, and today there isn't a single cloud in the sky. Good news is that it means the chances of it raining on me unexpectedly is reduced. Bad news is that I'm probably going to brown up again. Curses.

It's 11:34 A.M. and I have several things I must accomplish by 2 (If I am not distracted):
  1. Write 5 papers, all concerning my experience as a college student lab rat (this is a good thing. I like being a lab rat.)
  2. Do the chapter 14 quiz for research.
  3. Study study study!
I have a big grin on my face today. Why? Not only is it a NICE WEATHER DAY (nice weather meaning sunny and breezy and a bit chilly. I like them chills, boy.) but I happened upon the bookstore and found the PURPLE Pilot G-2 pen...in 05 SIZE. YES.


  1. I always ALWAYS pick fire as my starter because you don't get a fire till nearly end game... but I do love growlithe...
