So I had this convo doing my Sniffy lab reports...
Izzy: hes so fat
Izzy: XD
Spec: maybe he needs to unlearn the button
Izzy: he will unlearn the button later
Spec: Rat reached level 5, rat wants to learn anorexia but can't learn anymore moves, delete a move and make room for anorexia?
Spec: Moves
Spec: Breathe
Spec: Eat
Spec: Sleep
Spec: Restroom
Izzy: XD
Izzy: lets get rid of restroom
Izzy: less mess.
Izzy: <_<
Spec: 1.. 2.. and POOF, Rat forgot how to use the restroom and learned Anorexia.
Spec: Rat uses anorexia
Spec: Rat becomes weak and frail
Izzy: XD
Spec: Wall uses spring powered button
Spec: Rat tries pressing button and fails
Spec: Wall critically hits
Izzy: XD
Spec: Izzy uses potion
Spec: Rat recovered 20 hp points
Spec: Wall uses spring powered button
Spec: It's super effective
Spec: Rat faints
Izzy: my lab assistant
Izzy: is a box..
Izzy: :X
Spec: Test subject sends out Lab assistant
Izzy: XD
Spec: Go get them Wall!
Spec: Wall uses spring powered button
Spec: lab assistant presses the button
Spec: It's not very effective
Spec: Lab assistant gains nutrients from the food
Spec: Lab assistants sp. atk sharply rose
Spec: Lab assistant used Mc guyver
Spec: Lab assistant prys peices off the wall and starts to assemble something
Spec: Lab assistant is storing energy
Spec: Wall uses short circuit
Izzy: i..
Izzy: i love u
Izzy: :<
Spec: Lab assistant loses 50 hp
Izzy: *kiss*
Izzy: its been 45 min..
Izzy: learn faster rat..
Spec: Test subject uses Full Restore
Spec: Lab assistant is fully healed
Spec: Lab assistant is storing energy
Izzy: my lab assistant is a traiiitor..
Spec: Wall uses Enclose
Spec: Lab assistant is unaffected
Spec: Lab assistant uses mini nuke
Spec: It's super effective
Spec: Layer one of wall fails and faints
Spec: What will Izzy choose?
Spec: Izzy: Layer 2 Go, you can do it!
Izzy: XD
Spec: Lab assistant uses mini nuke
Spec: Layer 2 uses protect
Spec: Mini nuke is unaffective
Spec: lab assistant tries to use mini nuke but does not have anymore PP
Spec: Lab assistant uses struggle
Spec: Lab assistant hurts itself in its struggle
Spec: Layer 2 uses collapse
Spec: Critical Hit
Spec: It's supper effective
Spec: super*
Spec: Lab assistant faints
Spec: Izzy defeated Test subject
Izzy: omfg raaaat
Spec: Test Subject : "Grr, I need to train better, wait until next time!!!"
Spec: Izzy gains 50000 P for winning!
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